
Afscheid van Indië, Nummer toegang: 2.22.21

Nummer toegang 2.22.21
Inventarisnummer 820
Beschrijving inventarisnummer 820.UTGÃ…ENDE HANDLINGAR Rapporter Doos 2 Report on the activities of the Royal Swedish Consulate at Soerabaya, from the occupation of the country by the Japanese Army in the beginning of March 1942 up to the end of july 1943. And continued Report on the activities of the Royal Swedish consulate at Soerabaya, from july 1942 to january 1943, 1942 - 1943, 494 pagina's
Archiefinstelling Riksarkivet, Zweden
Scan 84
Originele verwijzing klapper NB origineel in Riksarkivet, toegangsnummer SE/RK/UMK31/286.01, inventarisnummer B1-2

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820.UTGÃ…ENDE HANDLINGAR Rapporter Doos 2 Report on the activities of the Royal Swedish Consulate at Soerabaya, from the occupation of the country by the Japanese Army in the beginning of March 1942 up to the end of july 1943. And continued Report on the 2.22.21 820